Coming in March:
Tuesday, the 9th, 7:00 PM Central - I'm in conversation with the prolific Jack Zipes about modern storytelling for Story Arts MN. Mostly I expect to ask a few questions and get out of the way in what I expect to be a lively hour of looking at the way stories are seen and taught these days, Here's the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-role-of-the-storyteller-today-workshop-with-jack-zipes-tickets-133790614329?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Thursday, the 11th, 10 PM Central - I'm telling "Cinderella (DeConstructed)" as a Tejas Storytelling Festival Fringe Performance. Yes, it starts late and I'm one of three performers but I promise that it will be worth the staying up "late on a school night" to see what I do with this one - seven scenes, seven voices offering their take on a too familiar story. Here's a link to the registration (well worth the price) for the Tejas Festival which also has a clutch of concerts, workshops and a liars contest packed into four days: https://tsa23.wildapricot.org/event-4098340
Saturday, the13th, noon Central - I'm hosting the "Just Enough (to Make a Story)" Slam at the Tejas Storytelling Festival. Ten tellers going for glory and not only am I'm hosting, I've recruited a "Russian Judge" to make them sweat the small stuff in that quest for bragging rights. Same link, same story.
Thursday, the18th, 7:00 PM Central - I'm teaching the first of six sessions of the American School of Storytelling's "Between Once Upon a Time" and "Happily Ever After". Affordable and tailored to meet your specific story crafting needs, you should join me for this one. https://www.eventbrite.com/.../between-once-upon-a-time...
I'm thinking of the American School of Storytelling as my last decade "legacy" project. Right now it will be a series of fundamentals classes that I'm teaching on-line but this summer they will morph into speciality classes on ghost stories, eroticism, the transformation of traditional stories into contemporary setting, etc. I also intend to add /invite other "visiting" faculty who will offer their own specialized classes under the American School of Storytelling brand. When able, we will hold in-person weekend classes and retreats and eventually, my intention is to have a physical center for classes, performances, and residencies.
The Christine and I toyed with an idea of buying a winery that was for sale just south of lake Mil Lac as the physical location for the American School of Storytelling but it appears to have been purchased by someone who actually is interested in and capable of making rather than drinking wine by the case. Still the combo of winery, school and performance center has a certain appeal as I want to make the School a destination for both those who want to create stories and those who want to hear them..
Finally, Wednesday, the 24th. 9:00 AM Central - I'm presenting "Creating and Telling the Easily Understood Company Story" for the Moscow "Storyify Your Leadership" conference. I don't have much in the way of details about this one now other than the schedule which has a lot of fabulous participating storytellers. Take a look and if you're interested, check back to see when you can register for some or all of it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JibFCYI1vDti7ix4deUVIkJ6jGaWM3LB/edit#gid=111844441
Is the breadth of these engagements madness? Perhaps, but as the pandemic year turns to a second and I wait for my vaccination, I think the variety is good to keep me from being lost in the fog of every sheltering in place day like the last. It is all storytelling of one kind or another and if there is one thing I appreciate, it is the spectacular breadth of storytelling manifest in this world.
Until I can see you in person, be well, tell often..