I’ll admit that this is a belated post. Just as what should have come in April arrived on the blog doorstep May1st. this one seems to have gotten postponed or I got distracted with the opening of the “post-Pandemic” world. That said this will be short in anticipation of a longer post for the marking of the summer Solstice.
First, the American School of Storytelling news:
Our next on-line class will be a three-session version of the Difficult Stories Workshop with Elizabeth Ellis and myself. It sill be Thursday, July 8th, Monday, July 12th and Thursday, July 15th for 90 minutes each time, on Zoom with a limit of 10 participants.
We have been offering this workshop periodically since 1998. Our award-winning and critically acclaimed book, “Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories” came out of our experience teaching this workshop which has been for many folks a transformational experience of how they think about and tell those stories that are hard to hear and difficult to share. We are absolutely convinced that for those 10 people, the on-line experience will come as close to the in-person experience as we can make it be.
The price for the three sessions is $200 and if you do not have a copy of the book, I will send you one upon completion of the workshop.
Here is the Eventbrite link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-difficult-story-workshop-on-line-tickets-157698569667
Second, the "Every Postcard is an Invitation for a Story" project
Do you like sending or receiving postcards? Story Arts of Minnesota is offering a fun way to do that and tell a story at the same time. Here’s how it works:
1) You can send an email with your (US Government approved) post office address and the number 1 or 3 to niemistory@aol.com and if you want you can add “personal” or “traditional”.
2) That email to niemistory@aol.com needs to be sent by Thursday, June 24th.
3) If you choose 1 – you will get one postcard in the mail with a story on it. If you choose 3 – you will get three postcards in the mail - one with a story, one for you to send back with your own story and one to send on to someone else. If you mark your email as “personal” you will get artist/photo cards. If you mark your email as “traditional” you will get (now antique) 20th Century commercial postcards.
4) If you are sending a story card back, you should send it by Monday, July 12th to
Story Arts of Minnesota
PO Box 581154
Minneapolis, MN 55458
5) Then on Thursday, July 15th, at 7:00 PM Central time, Story Arts of Minnesota will host a Zoom session in which we read your stories. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone who registers for a card or anyone who includes an email address on the card they send in.
Join me for one or the other, or for both.